A Secret About Dating Over 50
I never thought I would be here...I'm the only person in my family who is divorced. And for a long time, I struggled with guilt about that, until I came to see that my ex, my son and I have all benefitted from changing the family system we had. My ex-husband and I are very good friends, we're still a "family", just a different kind.
That said, mature dating is....interesting! Yes, I'm on the dating apps, but I have a little secret I'll share with you about the way I think its smart for women to handle that. I'm not comfortable with my photo and profile sitting out there for everyone to see. So....for instance on Match, I use the setting that allows only people I message to see my profile. I scroll through and if there is anyone I think might be fun to meet, I send a little "Hi!" and if they respond we chat.
On apps where that feature isn't available, I simply make my profile visible long enough to scroll through, send a message, then I make it invisible again.
This video I posted on my social media inspired this blog, and I'll keep you updated about how dating this particular man turns out. He's a couple years older than me and I usually date younger, I like that he is very considerate and calls every couple of days just to see how I'm doing. At this point, I'm interested in being with people who are a positive experience and enhance the life I've created!
I'd love to know about your dating experiences, please tell me in the comments!