How To Find Your Passion

Would you like to create a life you don’t need a vacation from?
As we age, it becomes crystal clear that time is short and each minute matters. Why would we ever want to waste a minute of it, or live a life we need a vacation from? Especially since vacations typically last only a few short weeks!
But, how do we create that life, the one where you wake up every morning excited about what the day holds? If that sounds good to you, it does to me too. I enjoy my work and I think I’m the type who will always want to be working at something, but ideally I want to make that something I simply can’t wait to do every day, something I’m passionate about.
In this video I’m opening up about what that passion might be for me, and inviting you to share yours. Do you want to start something brand new? Do you want to spend more time with family? Whatever your passion is, “It’s never too late!”.