
I get up at 4 am, pour a big cup of coffee and spend the first 45 minutes of my day “journaling”…
I started almost 6 years ago when I was facing lots of challenges…I had just purchased a home that I hoped I could afford on my own, I wasn't doing as well as I wished at being a Mom, a long term relationship had just ended.
Ever feel overwhelmed and can't find the way out? I did.
I started journaling to organize my thoughts and my life started getting better.
It's not all writing...
I start with a daily reading from a meditation book. I’ve used “Jesus Calling" and “The Language of Letting Go” among others…
Then I do gratitude…7 things I'm grateful for…after that I just start writing whatever is on my mind. As I write I usually see a theme emerge, for me, journaling helps bring a focus to what the real issue is.
I set my cellphone timer for 3 minutes and take my concerns to God. Sometimes I pause the timer to write down something I'm hearing and feeling in my prayers, and that becomes part of my journal too.
By the time I'm finished, I typically have a “thought for the day"; it might be as simple as “be authentic Jane”
Journaling is just one tool in my “transform my life” box but it's never failed to start my day out in a better place.
By the way, for me, the final thing I always say is “God are you holding my hands?” When I get the affirmative, I'm good to go 🙏🏼

Have a beautiful day,

JaneMcGarry Signature