Take Your 1st Step

I know it’s scary but take that 1st step. Today.
Promise yourself that today you will listen to, allow, & honor your feelings.
As women we too often put our own needs aside or think our needs and wants are somehow wrong or don’t matter, and end up trying to get what we need from someone else, frequently a man (which by the way isn’t fair to him either).
The journey isn’t easy but I promise you it’s worth it. Start today with the simple stuff: what color do I like, what tastes good to me, do I really mean what I just said?
Integrity isn’t just about being honest with others. The most important person to be honest with is yourself. There isn’t a right or wrong way to feel, but there is YOUR way. And it matters.
Every step you take to honor yourself is a brick in the foundation you are laying to #DesignYourLife and I promise you, it’s worth it.

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Jane McGarry Take your 1st step